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ADMAX lubricants are formulated with highly refined, severely-hydrocracked base stocks and state-of-the-art additive systems. Therefore, ADMAX oils reduce engine consumption, reduce maintenance downtime, reduce power consumption, extend equipment life and create less waste oil for disposal.
The real benefit of using ADMAX is using Moly ADMAX products. These products are specially formulated to maximimize the benefits of Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2). Using our formulations MoS2 can be held in a colloidal suspension indefinitely.
Molybdenum Disulfide is a metal powder less than one half-micron in size. It lays down platelets that adhere to working metal surfaces thus reducing friction and wear, but also having many associated benefits for your equipment. MoS2 will not plug oil filters or be left as a deposit in oil sumps or gear cases because of our colloidal chemistry. Moly ADMAX engine oils cannot be used as a break-in oil.
After the MoS2 plates on the working metal surfaces, you will begin to see the difference in the performance of your equipment. Equipment will:
- Operate smoother and quieter- Generate less heat
- Use less enegy to operate (both fuel and electric)
- Use less add oil
- ADMAX products effectively reduce oil interval changes three times longer
- Equipment life will be extended two to three times longer
All of these advantages are produced by using Moly ADMAX products. It makes sense to use them in your equipment whether it is commercial, industrial, high-performance or your personal vehicle.
The right products for the right uses.
Classic & High Performance Cars

For any racing entity, the benefits include:
- Increased Horsepower- Improved Durability
- Increased Performance
ADMAX products are also great for Jet Skis and Powerboats.

For ambulances, truck fleets, people movers, trains, etc., the benefits include:
- Longer drain intervals (15,000 miles instead of 3,000 miles)- Less downtime
- Longer equipment life
- Less waste for disposal
- Better fuel economy (approximately 10%)
- Better equipment performance

For air compressors, tooling machines (e.g., lathes, saws, etc.) and industrial gearboxes, the benefits include:
- Less downtime- Longer equipment life
- Less preventative maintenance
- Less energy consumed
- Less waste oil for disposal
- Better equipment performance