Gear Lubricant Products

Maxigear lubricants are premium, multi-purpose gear lubricants designed for excellent performance when extreme-pressure (EP) properties are needed to protect hypoid, stress spiraled, beveled and other types of gears from scuffing and wear, whether it be automotive, commercial or industrial applications.
Maxigear lubricants are formulated from high VI, hydrocracked, paraffin-based mineral oils and a state-of-the-art additive system to ensure exceptional performance. Maxigear lubricants are inhibited against oxidation, corrosion and foaming. Anti-wear properties minimize wear and scuffing which keeps gears from becoming noisy, as well as extend their life. Proprietary chemistry has been developed to produce a new, clean additive to prevent gears from varnishing under heavy stress or loads.
Maxigear gear lubricants are the next generation of gear oils that meet new manufacturer's performance requirements, including:
- Thermostability- Component Cleanliness
- Oil seal compatibility
- Gear spalling resistance
- Improved copper corrosion resistance
- Improved gear scoring resistance
Maxigear is available in the following SAE grades:
- SAE 80 (AD100 and AD105, with MoS2)- SAE 80W90 (AD101 and AD106 with MoS2)
- SAE 90 (AD102 and AD107 with MoS2)
- SAE85W140 (AD103 and AD108 with MoS2)
- SAE 140 (AD104 and AD109 with MoS2)
Maxigear gear lubricants are available with Molybdenum Disulfide ( MoS2) for extra EP and wear protection. Uses include:
- Where API Gl-3, Gl-4 and GL-5 gear oils are recommended
- Where extreme pressure is required in all heavy-duty truck rear axles (meets and exceeds MIL-L-2105 D
and AGMA 3EP, 4EP, 5EP, 6EP and 7EP requirements)
Maxigear IGL
Maxigear IGL is made from the highest quality, paraffinic, high VI, hydrocracked base oils. A variety of state-of-the-art additives are incorporated, including:
- Anti-rust, anti-corrosion, anti-oxidation
- Extreme pressure (EP) (protects gear teeth from wear)
- Extra anti-foam agents
(prevents foaming during operation, which causes extensive damage
to gear surfaces)
The sulfur-phosphorus chemistry can carry big loads while preventing metal-to-metal contact. This also helps to cut down heat build-up, wear, down time and how often lubricants must be changed during operation.
These state-of-the-art additives increase lubricant thermal stability (ability to resist thermal breakdown in high temperatures) and greatly improve component cleanliness under high temperature applications. While most gear lubricants attack copper/brass alloys at temperatures above 230 degrees F, Maxigear IGL provides uncommon protection at temperatures up to 350 degrees F for short durations.
Maxigear IGL passes a full, 60-pound Timken OK Load Test, which is much higher than commercial products that normally pass only a 25- to 30-pond test. Maxigear IGL surpasses other gear lubricants in several other areas, including:
- Thermal stability- Component cleanliness
- Superior corrosion protection for copper alloys
- Greater gear surface spalling resistance
- Excellent oil seal compatibility